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Life Science & Public SafetyMission Statement: The mission of Athens Technical College Paramedicine program is to prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.
Students who are interested in a career in the pre-hospital healthcare environment should consider both the short-term and long-term success of a program on the National Registry of EMT’s certifying exams, as well as retention rates. Athens Technical College’s EMS programs have a long standing success in preparing students both for the field work and the exam of pre-hospital providers.
People’s lives often depend on the quick reaction and competent care of paramedics. Incidents as varied as car crashes, heart attacks, slips and falls, childbirth, and gunshot wounds require immediate medical attention. Paramedics possess knowledge, skills and equipment to provide life-saving care and transport to an emergency department for the critically sick or injured patient.
“Paramedics commonly facilitate medical decisions at an emergency scene and during transport. Paramedics work in a variety of specialty care settings including but not limited to ground and air ambulances, occupational, in hospital, and community settings. Academic preparation enables paramedics to use a wide range of pharmacology, airway, and monitoring devices as well as to utilize critical thinking skills to make complex judgments such as the need for transport from a field site, alternate destination decisions, the level of personnel appropriate for transporting a patient, and similar judgments.” (National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019)
The Paramedicine program is a full-time class load and classes are currently held from 9:30 am until 9:30 pm. Since the overwhelming majority of paramedic students are employed full-time in the industry, those classes take place around a 24/48 schedule that is common in this EMS Region.
Paramedicine Program Effectiveness
Additional Information | |
Interested in the Paramedicine Program? | People's lives often depend on the quick reaction and competent care of paramedics. Incidents as varied as car crashes, heart attacks, slips and falls, childbirth, and gunshot wounds require immediate medical attention. Paramedics possess knowledge, skills and equipment to provide People's lives often depend on the quick reaction and competent care of paramedics. Incidents as varied as car crashes, heart attacks, slips and falls, childbirth, and gunshot wounds require immediate medical attention. Paramedics possess knowledge, skills and equipment to provide life-saving care and transport to an emergency department for the critically sick or injured patient.
“Paramedics commonly facilitate medical decisions at an emergency scene and during transport. Paramedics work in a variety of specialty care settings including but not limited to ground and air ambulances, occupational, in hospital, and community settings. Academic preparation enables paramedics to use a wide range of pharmacology, airway, and monitoring devices as well as to utilize critical thinking skills to make complex judgments such as the need for transport from a field site, alternate destination decisions, the level of personnel appropriate for transporting a patient, and similar judgments.” (National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019) |
Student Learning Outcomes | Graduates of the diploma and associate of applied science degree programs in Paramedicine will demonstrate:
· Use sound judgment to perform patient assessments and therapeutic procedures and modalities. · Use critical thinking skills to assess and treat patients in emergency settings and to communicate effectively in a healthcare setting. · Pass the National Registry of EMT's paramedic practical and written examination. · Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace. |
Essential Functions Part 1 | The purpose of the essential functions list is to allow prospective students who are considering a career to be informed of the physical, emotional, and psychological demands related to training and employment in a field of study. These lists are provided to allow prospective students to make informed career choices by providing them with a summary of the physical abilities and personality traits that are generally required for the successful completion of a curriculum and result in employment in a field of study after graduation. For students to be successful in the Paramedicine programs, they must be able to perform the following essential functions: · Be a confident leader who can accept the challenge and high degree of responsibility entailed in the position. · Have excellent judgment. · Be able to prioritize decisions and act quickly in the best interest of the patient · Be self-disciplined, able to develop patient rapport, interview hostile patients, maintain safe distance, and recognize and utilize communication unique to diverse multicultural groups and ages within those groups. · Be able to function independently at optimum level in a non-structured environment that is constantly changing. · Be responsible for the safe and therapeutic administration of drugs, including narcotics. · Be knowledgeable about medications and apply this knowledge in a practical sense. Knowledge and practical application of medications includes thoroughly knowing and understanding the general properties of all types of drugs. · Be responsible legally, ethically, and morally for each drug administered, for using correct precautions and techniques, for observing and documenting the effects of the drugs administered, for keeping one's own pharmacological knowledge-base current as to changes and trends in administration and use, for keeping abreast of all contraindications to administration of specific drugs to patients based on their constitutional make-up, and for using drug reference literature. |
Essential Functions Part 2 | · Obtain a comprehensive drug history from the patient that includes names of drugs, strength, daily usage, and dosage. The paramedic must take into consideration that many factors, in relation to the history given, can affect the type of medication to be given.
· Be aware of drug reactions and the synergistic effects of drugs combined with other medicines and in some instances, food. · Be aware of the possible risks of medication administered to a pregnant mother and the fetus, keeping in mind those drugs may cross the placenta. · Be cognizant of the impact of medications on pediatric patients based on size and weight, special concerns related to newborns and geriatric patients, and the physiological effects of aging such as the way skin can tear in the geriatric population with relatively little to no pressure. · Be aware of the high abuse potential of controlled substances and the potential for addiction, be able to thoroughly report writing and to justify why a particular narcotic was used and why a particular amount was given. · Have the ability to measure and re-measure drip rates for controlled substances and medications. · Be able to apply basic principles of mathematics to the calculation of problems associated with medication dosages, perform conversion problems, and differentiate temperature readings between centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. · Be able to use proper advanced life support equipment and supplies based on patient's age and condition of veins. · Be able to locate sites for obtaining blood samples and perform this task. · Be able to administer medication intravenously, administer medications by gastric tube, administer oral medications, administer rectal medications, and comply with universal precautions and body substance isolation, disposing of contaminated items and equipment properly. · Be able to apply knowledge and skills to assist overdosed patients to overcome trauma through antidotes and have knowledge of poisons and be able to administer treatment. · Be knowledgeable as to the stages drugs/medications go through once they have entered the patient's system. · Be cognizant that the route of administration is critical in relation to patient's needs and the effect that occurs. · Be capable of providing advanced life support emergency medical services to patients, including conducting of and interpreting electrocardiograms (EKGs), electrical interventions to support the cardiac functions, performing advanced endotracheal intubations in airway management and relief of pneumothorax and administering appropriate intravenous fluids and drugs under direction of an off-site designated physician. · Remain calm when working in difficult and stressful circumstances and capable of staying focused while assuming the leadership role inherent in carrying out the functions of the position. · Have good judgment along with advanced knowledge and technical skills to direct other team members to assist as needed. |
Essential Functions Part 3 | · Provide top quality care, concurrently handle high levels of stress, and be willing to take on the personal responsibility. This includes not only legal ramifications for precise documentation, but also the responsibility for using the knowledge and skills acquired in real life-threatening emergency situations.
· Deal with adverse and often dangerous situations, which include responding to calls in districts known to have high crime and mortality rates. · Have self-confidence and a desire to work with people. · Have solid emotional stability, a tolerance for high stress, and the ability to meet the physical, intellectual, and cognitive requirements demanded by this position. · Have good physical stamina, endurance, and body condition that would not be adversely affected by frequently having to walk, stand, lift, carry, and balance weight that is at times in excess of 125 pounds. · Have motor coordination because over uneven terrain, the well-being of the patient, paramedic and other workers must not be jeopardized. · Be flexible to meet the demands of the ever-changing emergency scene. When emergencies exist, the situation can be complex and care of the patient must be started immediately. · Use advanced training and equipment to extend emergency physician services to the ambulance. · Make accurate independent judgments while following oral directives. · Perform duties in a timely manner is essential, as it could mean the difference between life and death for the patient. · Use telephone or radio dispatch for coordination of prompt emergency services. · Accurately discerning street names through map reading and correctly distinguishing house numbers or business addresses. · Concisely and accurately describing orally to dispatchers and other concerned staff one's impression of a patient's condition as the paramedic works in emergency conditions where there may not be time for deliberation. · Be able to accurately report orally and in writing all relevant patient data. At times, reporting may require a detailed narrative on extenuating circumstances or conditions that go beyond what is required on a prescribed form. In some instances, the paramedic may be required to enter data on a laptop while riding in an ambulance. · Use verbal skills and reasoning skills. |
Specific Facility, Tools Or Educational Tools Available
Athens Technical College has clinical agreements will 10 EMS services in this region, as well as with multiple hospitals. The students will have access to all 10 EMS services and will have access to 4 hospitals. The paramedic students will also complete a 150 hour internship before they are eligible for graduation. and testing. The EMS program uses the full range of simulation equipment from static models to high-fidelity human patient simulators. We currently have up-to-date cardiac monitors/defibrillators representing the same equipment graduates will encounter in the field, traditional and video laryngoscopes, ventilators, CPAP and Bilevel PAP devices, and other contemporary EMS equipment as well. In addition, we have 2 fully operational ambulances which are used to help students become accustomed to the environment in which they will be required to function upon employment.
Additional Details
Class Times Offered:
DaytimeDeadline for Selective Admission:
June 15th- FallAdditional Information:
Credentials You Can Earn: