Safety: OSHA 10 & OSHA 30 COURSE
Degree Options:
Campus Location:
All CampusesDivision
Economic DevelopmentThese program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees on how to pepare, respond and care for emergencies at work.
In this course, participants will learn to apply OSHA policies, procedures, standards, and general industry safety and health principles. This class is held over two days, and is ideal for new employees, safety and field personnel, and team supervisors. Training topics for the OSHA 10-hour include:
Overview of OSHA, walking working surfaces, electrical safety, Hazcom, PPE, exit routes, fire safety, material handling, bloodborne pathogens, hearing conservation, industrial hygiene, machine guarding, and lockout/tagout.
OSHA 30-Hour training prepares supervisors and workers to avoid workplace safety and health risks. Topics include general worksite safety, avoiding common hazards, understanding works’ rights, employer responsibilities, and more.
Additional Details
Class Times Offered:
Daytime, Evening
Program Contact
Jennifer Shea
Director of Business Industry & Leadership Development